starting a business is hard…

The chances are that you’re reading this because you are a start-up or you’re about to be.


So that means that you’re an ideas-driven person, a visionary, a thought leader, a go-getter. So far so good.


What you probably are not  is someone who finds it easy to verbalise, systemise and structure your own ideas. Why? Because that’s limiting, right? You find it very difficult to pin yourself down and would rather have creative space.


Here’s the problem:


Very few people understand you.


There is one essential first step that every start-up needs to do and it is the following:


Craft a Core Messaging Guide


Armed with a core messaging guide for your business, you’ll be equipped to deal with investors, pitch distributors, write press releases and attract raving fan customers.  But apart from all of that, you’ll achieve something invaluable for your personality type and that is:




Clarity gives you energy, direction, courage and a path to follow.

If you are thinking that a business plan achieves the same thing, it doesn’t. Your core messaging guide should inform your business plan. It’s the essential first step that is regularly overlooked and often undervalued.


So how do you go about developing a core messaging guide? It’s a job that you could possibly do by yourself but probably shouldn’t, and here’s why:


1.    Start-up founders have a headful of tasks, things to do and people to see. Generally, they are generalists and don’t like to limit themselves. The problem is that without drawing a box around your business message, the risk of failure is high. The box that you draw is not finite – it’s expandable. Developing a core message and creating key copy collateral around it will enable you to pitch your idea to customers, investors and press without risking confusion. Remember, if you confuse, you lose.


2.    Crafting a story and message for your brand must combine art with science. The art part requires creativity, a way with words and storytelling. The science part requires an understanding of consumer behaviour, psychology and some sort of system that guarantees success. Have you got both of these skillsets?


3.     You are more than likely suffering with the Curse of Knowledge. This means that you’re too close to your idea/business/offering. The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that the others have the background  to understand. That’s why you need the help of a fresh mind when crafting your brand message.



Starting a business is hard. Just remember, without clarity, it’s almost impossible. If you think you’d benefit from brand clarity coaching or need help in crafting a core messaging guide, I’m here to help!




Monica Fahy